The Liberty Bell

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The Liberty Bell is found at the Independence National Park in  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1751 the people of Pennsylvania ordered a bell from England.  The bell was delivered and hung in the State House in 1752.  The neighbors thought the bell was too loud when it rang!  They didn't like the sound.  In 1776, the bell was rung to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  When the British were fighting the colonists, the colonists hid the bell so the British wouldn't find it.  The bell was important to them!  In 1781, the bell rang when the Americans defeated the British.  
      In the 1830's the Americans realized that the bell stands for our freedom, our liberty, in our country.  Thus, the bell became the Liberty Bell.  The Liberty Bell was taken out of the steeple of the State House and placed inside in 1852. From 1885 to 1915 the Liberty Bell traveled all over our country so many people could see it.  In 2003, the Liberty Bell was placed inside the Liberty Bell Center, part of the Independence National Park, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it can be seen today.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was the place where our earliest leaders met.   It was in Philadelphia that the Continental Congress that decided that the twelve original colonies should separate from England and become the United States of America.